Offshore Industry  Metering Experts

About Us

Added Value

PMS knowledge and experience results in added value, that only experienced pump system experts can provide.

Project Management

Project management team to handle all aspects of the project with a flexible and efficient approach to the many engineering and design specifications.

Single Source – Single Accountability

To ensure optimum performance, PMS takes responsibility for all components within its system. This systematic approach also saves our clients time that could otherwise be spent sourcing individual components. If a problem occurs, there’s just one point of contact – PMS gets the job done.


Oil Industry

Wax Inhibitors


Methanol and Glycol

Oxygen Scavengers


Filter Aids


Scale Inhibitors

Corrosion Inhibitors


Pour Point Depressants

Water treatment chemicals for water conditioning, water distillation

Additives in the refining and blending stages

The control of corrosion by adjusting the pH

The injection of inhibitors and gasoline to fuel oils

Anti-icing chemical to petrol and jet fuels

The addition of dyes and antiknock chemicals to petrol

Gas Industry

Odorizing Natural Gas

Methanol Injection

Injection of Butane or Propane

Boiler Feed Treatment

Amines to Steam Lines to Prevent Corrosion

Chemical Industry

All free-flowing chemicals used in process work

Pilot plant, laboratory, and research work

Handling of liquefied gases

Metering of resins and catalysts

Wetting and anti-foam agents

Controlled sampling of process liquids

Boiler treatment

Water treatment

Effluent treatment, pH control

Our Partners 40+ Years Experience In Global Offshore Industry